Travelling from St. Pancras International? Check your train times and let your journey begin!
Research shows that high-speed train travel between the UK and Europe removes the equivalent of 60,000 flights or 750,000 tonnes of CO2 per year.
St. Pancras International has been ranked first place in the Consumer Choice Center “European Railway Station Index 2020.”
No more changing… Eurostar today announce its London-Amsterdam service will operate fully direct both to and from the Netherlands.
No more changing… Eurostar today announce its London-Amsterdam service will operate fully direct both to and from the Netherlands.
Find out why St. Pancras is St. PancrEas for the day.
Previously known as High Speed 1, London St. Pancras Highspeed is the new online home of St. Pancras International, Stratford International, Ebbsfleet International and Ashford International.
This is more than just a new look. Whether you’re visiting London, commuting to or from Kent, planning a trip to Europe or exploring St. Pancras International, it’s all here.