For peat’s sake – Why do we keep going on about these bogs?

17 January 2022

Shop at St. Pancras to help restore UK peatlands

So far, you have helped us save over a projected 1million kg of CO2 from being released into the atmosphere from those damaged peatlands!

For peat’s sake – Why do we keep going on about these bogs?

Knowing that functional peatland ecosystems are some of the most carbon rich terrestrial ecosystems on earth, storing up to 30 x more carbon per hectare than a healthy tropical rainforest.[1] …. Why wouldn’t we focus on protecting them? What if a simple action that we all must do anyway, or enjoy indulging in, such as shopping and dining, could help restore the peatlands that are damaged? St. Pancras’ ‘Project Peatlands’ offers exactly that.

Simply by choosing to shop at St. Pancras International, you’re helping us invest in the restoration of peatlands right here in the UK – the Gameshope Loch peatlands in Scotland.

A warming cup of hot chocolate, a simple espresso, your monthly book club book, a pair of cosy socks, a G&T, or even a designer handbag – absolutely everything helps, and you don’t have to do anything. No sign ups, no hassle. By simply choosing to shop & dine at St. Pancras, you will be supporting our shops, restaurants, bars, and pubs as they recover post-COVID, and automatically be helping us to protect our environment.

A simple choice that will make a big difference this new year.

Thank you for your continued support. Find out more about Project Peatlands here.




Previously known as High Speed 1, London St. Pancras Highspeed is the new online home of St. Pancras International, Stratford International, Ebbsfleet International and Ashford International.

This is more than just a new look. Whether you’re visiting London, commuting to or from Kent, planning a trip to Europe or exploring St. Pancras International, it’s all here.