Travelling from St. Pancras International? Check your train times and let your journey begin!
London St. Pancras Highspeed owns and operates the UK’s only high-speed railway and the stations along the route – St. Pancras International, Stratford International, Ebbsfleet International and Ashford International.
At London St. Pancras International, we aim to provide a sustainable transport solution across the UK and Europe, and we are passionate about delivering positive impact both for the environment and the communities in which we operate.
Our international high-speed line replaces the equivalent of 60,000 short-haul flights, or 750,000 tonnes of CO2, each year, whilst providing £7 million of UK environmental benefits as a direct result of people choosing to take the train rather than fly.
Explore the latest financial reports, statements, and corporate credit ratings from London St. Pancras Highspeed.
Browse key documents outlining the regulatory framework for London St. Pancras Highspeed.
London St. Pancras Highspeed has a dedicated business development team to support existing and prospective operators.